【マスク寄付】「ONE YOUNG WORLD TOKYO CAUCAS 2020」へマスク寄贈
株式会社ビジュアル東京は、2022年に小池百合子都知事支援のもと東京で開催される予定の「One Young World Summit (OYW)」のキックオフイベントとして2020年10月23日〜25日にかけて開催された『ONE YOUNG WORLD TOKYO CAUCUS 2020』に、弊社マスク70枚を寄贈いたしました。(English follows.)
Visual Tokyo Com Co., Ltd. will donate 70 of our masks to "ONE YOUNG WORLD TOKYO CAUCUS 2020", which will be held from October 23 to 25, 2020 as a kick-off event for "One Young World Summit (OYW)", which is scheduled to be held in Tokyo in 2022 with the support of Tokyo Governor Yuriko Koike.
We have been donating masks to various organizations and communities for some time now, and we will be donating masks to the Summit participants as a measure against infectious diseases. We are honored to have been given this wonderful opportunity.